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时间: 2024-09-19 11:24:15


1. Tolerance is an important value that promotes harmony and understanding in a diverse society. (宽容是一种重要的价值观,可以促进多元社会的和谐与理解。)

2. The teacher emphasized the importance of tolerance towards different opinions and beliefs in the classroom.(老师强调了在课堂上对不同意见和信仰的宽容的重要性。)

3. The company has a zero-tolerance policy towards discrimination of any kind.(公司对任何形式的歧视持零容忍政策。)

4. It's important to have a high tolerance for uncertainty when working in a fast-paced environment.(在快节奏的环境中工作时,拥有对不确定性的高容忍度是很重要的。)

5. The government is promoting tolerance and acceptance of refugees in the country.(政府正在促进对难民的宽容和接纳。)

6. We need to have a greater tolerance for mistakes in order to foster a culture of innovation.(为了培养创新文化,我们需要对错误有更大的容忍度。)

7. Tolerance is the key to peaceful coexistence among people of different backgrounds and beliefs.(宽容是不同背景和信仰的人和平共处的关键。)

8. The doctor advised the patient to gradually increase their tolerance for physical activity after the surgery.(医生建议病人在手术后逐渐增加对体力活动的耐受能力。)

9. Intolerance can lead to conflicts and misunderstandings among individuals and communities.(不宽容可能会导致个人和社区之间的冲突和误解。)

10. The success of the project depended on the team's tolerance for ambiguity and flexibility in decision-making.(项目的成功取决于团队在决策中对模棱两可的容忍度和灵活性。)

11. The principle of religious tolerance is enshrined in the country's constitution.(宗教宽容的原则被确立在国家的宪法中。)

12. Tolerance towards different learning styles is essential for effective teaching.(对不同的学习风格的宽容对于有效的教学至关重要。)

13. The coach praised the team for their tolerance and sportsmanship during the intense match.(教练赞扬了球队在激烈比赛中表现出的宽容和体育精神。)

14. The government is working to promote a culture of tolerance and respect for diversity in schools.(政府正在努力促进学校中对多样性的宽容和尊重文化。)

15. Building tolerance and empathy among children is crucial for creating a more inclusive and compassionate society.(培养儿童的宽容和同情心对于创造一个更具包容性和富有同情心的社会至关重要。)

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