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时间: 2024-09-20 01:02:23


1. He ate too much cake and felt sick afterwards.


2. Sarah's bag was too heavy for her to carry.


3. It's too late to change our plans now.


4. The music was too loud for me to concentrate.


5. The dog was too tired to chase the ball.


6. I'm too busy to go out tonight.


7. The water was too cold for swimming.


8. The movie was too scary for the children.


9. The suitcase was too big to fit in the overhead compartment.


10. The dress was too expensive for my budget.


11. He was driving too fast for the road conditions.


12. The room was too dark to see anything.


13. The baby was too young to understand what was happening.


14. The book was too boring for me to finish.


15. The cake was too delicious for me to resist.


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