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时间: 2024-09-18 19:07:25


1. I'm totally exhausted after a long day at work. (我工作一整天后完全筋疲力尽。)

2. She's totally in love with her new puppy. (她对她的新小狗完全着迷。)

3. The movie was totally amazing, I loved every minute of it. (这部电影太精彩了,我喜欢每一分钟。)

4. I totally forgot about our meeting this morning. (我完全忘记了今天早上的会议。)

5. He totally misunderstood what I was trying to say. (他完全误解了我想表达的意思。)

6. The party was totally wild, I've never seen anything like it before. (这个派对太疯狂了,我以前从未见过这样的场面。)

7. I'm totally on board with your idea, let's make it happen. (我完全支持你的想法,让我们实现它。)

8. She's totally focused on her studies right now. (她现在完全专注于学业。)

9. I totally disagree with your opinion on this matter. (我完全不同意你对这件事的看法。)

10. The restaurant was totally empty when we arrived. (我们到达时餐厅完全空无一人。)

11. I'm totally fine with whatever decision you make. (无论你做出什么决定,我都完全没问题。)

12. She's totally unaware of the impact her words have on others. (她完全没有意识到她的话语对他人的影响。)

13. The new album is totally different from their previous work. (这张新专辑完全不同于他们以前的作品。)

14. I'm totally committed to making this project a success. (我完全致力于使这个项目成功。)

15. The weather totally ruined our plans for the outdoor picnic. (天气完全毁了我们的户外野餐计划。)

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