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时间: 2024-09-20 01:14:46


1. She bought a new toy for her cat to play with. (她给她的猫买了一个新玩具让它玩耍。)

2. The children were excited to receive a toy train for Christmas. (孩子们对收到圣诞节礼物的玩具火车感到兴奋。)

3. He used to collect toy soldiers when he was younger. (他年轻的时候曾经收集玩具士兵。)

4. The toy car raced down the track at an incredible speed. (玩具车以惊人的速度沿着赛道飞驰。)

5. The little girl cherished her stuffed toy bear. (小女孩珍惜她的填充玩具熊。)

6. The toy store was filled with colorful and engaging toys. (玩具店里摆满了色彩艳丽、引人入胜的玩具。)

7. The toy robot responded to voice commands. (玩具机器人听从声音指令。)

8. The children spent the afternoon playing with their new toys. (孩子们下午都在玩他们的新玩具。)

9. The toy manufacturer recalled a batch of defective toys. (玩具制造商召回了一批有缺陷的玩具。)

10. The toy airplane soared through the air, delighting the children. (玩具飞机在空中翱翔,让孩子们感到愉悦。)

11. The toy industry has seen rapid technological advancements in recent years. (近年来,玩具行业经历了快速的技术进步。)

12. The children organized a toy swap to exchange their old toys with each other. (孩子们组织了一次玩具交换活动,彼此交换他们的旧玩具。)

13. The toy piano made a tinkling sound as the child played a tune. (孩子弹奏曲子时,玩具钢琴发出清脆的声音。)

14. The toy car rolled across the floor, propelled by the child's hand. (玩具车在地板上滚动,被孩子的手推动着。)

15. The toy box was overflowing with various playthings. (玩具盒里塞满了各种各样的玩具。)

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