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时间: 2024-09-20 09:12:47


1. The hard wooden chair made me feel uncomfortable during the long meeting. (硬木椅子让我在长时间会议中感到不舒服。)

2. I always feel uncomfortable in large crowds. (我总是在人群中感到不舒服。)

3. The awkward silence between them made everyone in the room uncomfortable. (他们之间尴尬的沉默让房间里的每个人都感到不舒服。)

4. Wearing tight shoes can be very uncomfortable. (穿着紧鞋会很不舒服。)

5. The heat and humidity made the weather very uncomfortable. (高温和湿度使天气非常不舒服。)

6. His inappropriate jokes made everyone feel uncomfortable. (他不合适的笑话让每个人感到不舒服。)

7. The uncomfortable truth was finally revealed. (令人不快的事实终于被揭露。)

8. Sitting next to my ex-boyfriend at the party was incredibly uncomfortable. (在派对上坐在我前男友旁边非常不舒服。)

9. The scratchy fabric of the couch was uncomfortable to sit on. (沙发上刮人的织物坐起来很不舒服。)

10. She shifted in her seat, trying to find a more comfortable position. (她在座位上挪动,试图找到更舒服的姿势。)

11. The atmosphere in the room became uncomfortable as the argument escalated. (随着争论的升级,房间里的气氛变得不舒服。)

12. His constant staring made her feel uncomfortable. (他不断地盯着她让她感到不舒服。)

13. The thought of public speaking makes me incredibly uncomfortable. (想到公开演讲我感到非常不舒服。)

14. The uncomfortable truth is that we need to make some changes in order to succeed. (不愉快的事实是,我们需要做一些改变才能成功。)

15. The uncomfortable silence lingered in the air as they struggled to find a topic to discuss. (难堪的沉默在空气中挥之不去,他们努力寻找一个话题来讨论。)

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