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时间: 2024-09-20 11:19:42


1. She was unconscious for several minutes after the accident. (她在事故后失去意识了几分钟。)

2. The patient remained unconscious after the surgery. (手术后病人一直处于昏迷状态。)

3. He was knocked unconscious by a blow to the head. (他被一击头部而昏迷不醒。)

4. The drug caused her to fall unconscious. (这种药导致她昏迷了。)

5. The unconscious mind can influence our behavior without us realizing it. (潜意识可以在我们不知情的情况下影响我们的行为。)

6. He made an unconscious gesture of irritation. (他无意中做了一个愤怒的手势。)

7. She spoke in unconscious imitation of her teacher. (她模仿老师的口吻而不自知。)

8. He was operating on a purely unconscious level. (他在纯粹的无意识层面上行事。)

9. The painting seemed to capture the artist's unconscious thoughts. (这幅画似乎捕捉到了艺术家的潜意识思想。)

10. His actions revealed his unconscious desire for attention. (他的行为暴露了他内心的渴望得到关注的潜意识欲望。)

11. The unconscious bias of the jury affected the outcome of the trial. (陪审团的潜意识偏见影响了审判的结果。)

12. She made an unconscious decision to change her career path. (她下意识地做出了改变职业道路的决定。)

13. His words revealed an unconscious fear of failure. (他的话透露出一种潜意识的失败恐惧。)

14. The therapist helped her explore her unconscious motivations. (治疗师帮助她探索她的潜意识动机。)

15. The artist's work delves into the depths of the unconscious mind. (这位艺术家的作品深入探讨了潜意识的深处。)

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