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时间: 2024-09-20 01:14:31


1. The chef used a sharp knife to cut a wedge of cheese for the appetizer.(厨师用利刀切了一块奶酪楔形片作为开胃菜。)

2. She slipped a wedge under the door to keep it from closing.(她塞了一个楔子在门下,防止它关闭。)

3. The golfer used a wedge to hit the ball out of the sand trap.(高尔夫球手用楔形球杆把球从沙坑中打出。)

4. The company's profits have been steadily increasing, creating a wedge between them and their competitors.(公司的利润一直在稳步增长,使其与竞争对手之间产生了差距。)

5. She wore a pair of stylish wedge heels to the party.(她穿了一双时尚的楔形高跟鞋去参加派对。)

6. The dispute over the inheritance drove a wedge between the siblings.(对继承权的争执在兄弟姐妹之间造成了分歧。)

7. The farmer used a wooden wedge to split the log into smaller pieces.(农民用木楔将原木劈成小块。)

8. The political scandal created a wedge within the government party.(政治丑闻在执政党内部造成了分裂。)

9. She used a wedge of lemon to garnish her cocktail.(她用一块柠檬楔装饰她的鸡尾酒。)

10. The financial crisis drove a wedge between the company's executives and its employees.(金融危机在公司高管和员工之间造成了裂痕。)

11. The mechanic used a wedge to prop open the hood of the car.(机械师用楔子撑开了汽车的引擎盖。)

12. The ideological differences between the two groups created a wedge that was difficult to overcome.(两个团体之间的意识形态差异造成了一道难以逾越的隔阂。)

13. She used a wedge pillow to elevate her head while sleeping.(她用楔形枕头让头部升高睡觉。)

14. The team captain's decision to bench the star player drove a wedge between them.(队长决定让明星球员替补使他们之间产生了分歧。)

15. The artist used a chisel to carve a wedge shape out of the marble block.(艺术家用凿子在大理石块上雕刻出楔形。)

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