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时间: 2024-09-21 03:54:34



1. Yeah, I'll be there at 7 o'clock. - 是的,我七点会到那里。

2. Oh yeah, I remember meeting him last summer. - 哦,是的,我记得去年夏天见过他。

3. Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. - 是的,那听起来是个好主意。

4. Yeah, I think I left my keys on the table. - 是的,我想我把钥匙忘在桌子上了。

5. Yeah, she's coming to the party too. - 是的,她也会来参加聚会。

6. Yeah, I've been to that restaurant before. - 是的,我以前去过那家餐馆。

7. Yeah, I saw that movie last week. - 是的,我上周看了那部电影。

8. Yeah, I agree with you on that point. - 是的,我同意你的观点。

9. Yeah, I think so too. - 是的,我也这么认为。

10. Yeah, I can help you with that. - 是的,我可以帮你做这件事。

11. Yeah, he's my cousin. - 是的,他是我表弟。

12. Yeah, I heard about that incident. - 是的,我听说过那个事件。

13. Yeah, I'll take the blue one. - 是的,我会拿那个蓝色的。

14. Yeah, I know what you mean. - 是的,我知道你的意思。

15. Yeah, I suppose we could try that approach. - 是的,我想我们可以尝试那种方法。


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