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时间: 2024-09-21 07:34:10


Sure, here are 15 sentences using the word "year" along with their Chinese explanations:

1. Last year, I traveled to Europe for vacation. (去年,我去了欧洲度假。)

2. He celebrates his birthday every year on March 15th. (他每年3月15日庆祝生日。)

3. This year has been challenging for our company due to economic downturn. (今年由于经济下滑,我们公司面临着挑战。)

4. The school hosts a sports day event every year. (学校每年举办一次运动会。)

5. They planted a garden and watched it grow over the course of the year. (他们种了一座花园,一年来见证了它的成长。)

6. She's been studying Chinese for over a year now. (她现在已经学习中文一年多了。)

7. The new academic year starts in September. (新学年从九月开始。)

8. They have been happily married for twenty-five years. (他们已经幸福地结婚二十五年了。)

9. The company reports its financial performance every fiscal year. (公司每个财政年度报告其财务表现。)

10. The lunar year is different from the Gregorian calendar year. (农历年和公历年是不同的。)

11. This year's harvest is expected to be abundant. (预计今年的收成会非常丰富。)

12. We meet up with old friends once a year for a reunion. (我们每年都会聚会一次,与老朋友见面。)

13. She has been teaching at the university for ten years now. (她现在已经在大学教书十年了。)

14. The company is celebrating its hundredth year anniversary. (公司正在庆祝百年华诞。)

15. We look forward to the new year with hope and optimism. (我们满怀希望和乐观地期待新的一年。)


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