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时间: 2024-09-20 16:17:18



1. The philanthropist's generous benefaction enabled the construction of a new school in the village. (这位慈善家慷慨的捐赠使得村里修建了一所新学校。)

2. The museum was able to expand its collection thanks to a substantial benefaction from a local business. (博物馆得以扩展其收藏,多亏了本地企业的大笔捐赠。)

3. She received a benefaction from an anonymous donor that covered her medical expenses. (她收到了一位匿名捐助者的慷慨资助,足以支付她的医疗费用。)

4. The university honored the benefaction of its alumni with a special ceremony. (大学通过一场特别仪式表彰校友们的捐赠行为。)

5. His benefaction to the charity helped thousands of underprivileged children receive education. (他对慈善机构的捐赠帮助了成千上万的贫困儿童接受教育。)

6. The hospital was able to upgrade its facilities thanks to a generous benefaction from a wealthy donor. (医院由于一位富有捐助者的慷慨资助而得以升级设施。)

7. They announced a substantial benefaction towards the conservation of endangered species. (他们宣布了一笔可观的捐赠,用于保护濒危物种。)

8. The community center was built entirely from public benefactions. (社区中心完全依靠公众的捐赠建成。)

9. His unexpected benefaction saved the theater from closure. (他意外的资助使得剧院免于关闭。)

10. The artist's work was made possible by the benefactions of art patrons. (艺术家的创作得以实现,多亏了艺术赞助人的资助。)

11. The charity expressed gratitude for the benefaction that funded their new initiative. (慈善机构对资助他们新项目的捐助表示感激。)

12. A series of benefactions allowed the library to expand its digital resources. (一系列的捐赠使得图书馆能够扩展其数字资源。)

13. The annual report detailed the various benefactions received during the fiscal year. (年度报告详细列出了财政年度内所收到的各种捐赠。)

14. Her lifetime of benefactions left a lasting impact on the community. (她一生的慷慨资助对社区产生了深远的影响。)

15. The company acknowledged the benefactions of its employees towards local charities. (公司对员工们对当地慈善事业的捐赠表示感激。)


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