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时间: 2024-09-20 14:15:13



1. The priest pronounced a benediction over the congregation at the end of the service. (牧师在礼拜结束时向全体信徒祝福。)

2. His gentle smile was like a benediction to everyone who met him. (他温和的微笑对于每一个见到他的人都如同一种祝福。)

3. The sunset over the ocean seemed to be nature's benediction on the day. (海上的日落仿佛是大自然对这一天的祝福。)

4. She received the benediction of her parents before embarking on her journey. (她在启程之前得到了父母的祝福。)

5. The president ended his speech with a heartfelt benediction for peace. (总统以对和平的衷心祝福结束了他的演讲。)

6. The elderly pastor's benediction carried the weight of years of wisdom. (年迈的牧师的祝福充满了多年的智慧。)

7. After the storm passed, the sunlight breaking through the clouds felt like a benediction. (风暴过后,阳光穿过云层的感觉像是一种祝福。)

8. The bride and groom knelt to receive the bishop's benediction. (新郎新娘跪下接受主教的祝福。)

9. Her grandmother's bedtime stories were a nightly benediction for her childhood. (她祖母的睡前故事是她童年时每晚的一种祝福。)

10. The soldiers sought the chaplain's benediction before heading into battle. (士兵们在出征前寻求牧师的祝福。)

11. The community gathered for a benediction ceremony to bless their new community center. (社区为他们的新社区中心举行了一场祝福仪式。)

12. The melody of the choir's singing was a serene benediction in the church. (合唱团的歌声旋律在教堂里宛如一种宁静的祝福。)

13. His mentor's parting words served as a benediction for his future endeavors. (他导师的告别之词成为了他未来努力的一种祝福。)

14. The benediction of rain came just in time to save the crops from drought. (及时的雨水祝福拯救了庄稼免于干旱。)

15. At the conclusion of the concert, the conductor offered a heartfelt benediction to the audience. (音乐会结束时,指挥向观众表达了衷心的祝福。)


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