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时间: 2024-09-19 17:31:09



1. Example: *She used her house as collateral for the loan.*

中文解释: 她用她的房子作为贷款的抵押品。

2. Example: *The company offered its assets as collateral for the business deal.*

中文解释: 公司将其资产作为商业交易的担保品。

3. Example: *Collateral damage was inevitable in the military operation.*

中文解释: 军事行动中不可避免地会有附带伤害。

4. Example: *The bank requires collateral to ensure the security of the loan.*

中文解释: 银行要求提供抵押品以确保贷款的安全性。

5. Example: *The collateral provided was sufficient to cover the risk of the investment.*

中文解释: 提供的担保品足以覆盖投资的风险。

6. Example: *They are negotiating the terms of the collateral for the new credit line.*

中文解释: 他们正在协商新信用额度的抵押品条款。

7. Example: *Collateral to the main story, the book explores various historical themes.*

中文解释: 除了主要故事外,这本书还探讨了各种历史主题。

8. Example: *The collateral effects of the policy were not fully anticipated.*

中文解释: 这一政策的附带效果没有被完全预见到。

9. Example: *His family’s land was used as collateral for the business venture.*

中文解释: 他家族的土地被用作商业冒险的抵押品。

10. Example: *In case of default, the bank can seize the collateral.*

中文解释: 如果违约,银行可以没收抵押品。

11. Example: *The organization provided collateral to secure the grant.*

中文解释: 该组织提供了担保品以确保获得资助。

12. Example: *Collateral damage from the explosion affected nearby buildings.*

中文解释: 爆炸的附带伤害影响了附近的建筑物。

13. Example: *The lawyer explained the importance of collateral in securing a loan.*

中文解释: 律师解释了抵押品在确保贷款中的重要性。

14. Example: *Collateral benefits of the new policy include improved public health.*

中文解释: 新政策的附带好处包括公共健康的改善。

15. Example: *He had to offer additional collateral to get a higher loan amount.*

中文解释: 为了获得更高的贷款额度,他不得不提供额外的抵押品。


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