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时间: 2024-09-19 17:33:25


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences with the word "dilute" along with their Chinese explanations:

1. She diluted the orange juice with water to make it less sweet. 她用水稀释橙汁,使其不那么甜。

2. It's important not to dilute the chemical solution too much. 不要把化学溶液稀释得太多是很重要的。

3. He believes that adding more members to the committee will dilute its effectiveness. 他认为增加委员会成员会削弱其效力。

4. The company's earnings were diluted by the costs of expansion. 公司的盈利因扩展成本而被稀释了。

5. The artist used water to dilute the paint and create lighter shades. 画家用水稀释颜料,创造出淡一些的色调。

6. Dilute the shampoo with water before applying it to your hair. 在头发上使用洗发水前,用水稀释它。

7. The environmental impact study concluded that the pollutants would be diluted by the river's flow. 环境影响研究得出结论称,污染物会被河流的流动稀释。

8. Her enthusiasm for the project was diluted over time as challenges arose. 随着挑战的出现,她对这个项目的热情逐渐减弱了。

9. The powerful message of the speech was diluted by the speaker's nervousness. 演讲者的紧张情绪削弱了演讲的强烈信息。

10. He diluted his criticism with a few words of praise. 他用几句赞扬稀释了他的批评。

11. The impact of the new policy was diluted by its ambiguous wording. 新政策的影响被其模糊的措辞所削弱。

12. The wine was too strong for her, so she diluted it with water. 这款酒对她来说太烈了,所以她加水稀释了它。

13. The organization feared that too much expansion would dilute its core values. 组织担心过度扩展会削弱其核心价值观。

14. The beauty of the landscape was diluted by the construction of high-rise buildings. 高楼大厦的建设削弱了风景的美丽。

15. The charity worried that a change in leadership might dilute its mission. 慈善机构担心领导层变动会削弱其使命。


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