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时间: 2024-09-21 10:42:48


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using the word "diameter" along with their Chinese explanations:

1. The diameter of the circle is measured from one edge to the opposite through the center. (圆的直径是从一个边缘到对边穿过中心的距离。)

2. The pipe has a diameter of 10 centimeters, allowing sufficient flow of water. (这根管子直径为10厘米,能够充分流动水。)

3. Engineers calculated the diameter of the tunnel to ensure it accommodates large vehicles. (工程师们计算了隧道的直径,以确保能容纳大型车辆。)

4. The asteroid has a diameter of approximately 1 kilometer, posing a potential threat to Earth. (这颗小行星直径约为1公里,对地球构成潜在威胁。)

5. The telescope's primary mirror has a diameter of 2 meters, enabling detailed astronomical observations. (望远镜的主镜直径为2米,能够进行详细的天文观测。)

6. The basketball hoop must have a minimum diameter of 18 inches to meet competition standards. (篮球筐的直径必须至少为18英寸,以符合比赛标准。)

7. They estimated the tree's trunk diameter by wrapping a measuring tape around it. (他们通过绕树干用卷尺测量来估计树的直径。)

8. The ferris wheel has a diameter of 100 meters and offers panoramic views of the city. (摩天轮直径为100米,能够提供城市的全景视野。)

9. The artist carefully sketched the circle's diameter before completing the geometric drawing. (艺术家在完成几何图案之前,仔细勾画了圆的直径。)

10. The engineers designed a propeller with a larger diameter to increase the ship's speed. (工程师们设计了一个直径更大的螺旋桨,以提高船速。)

11. A typical CD has a diameter of 12 centimeters, fitting comfortably in most disk drives. (典型的CD直径为12厘米,能够舒适地放入大多数光驱中。)

12. The gymnasium's central court has a diameter of 25 meters, ideal for various indoor sports. (体育馆中央的球场直径为25米,非常适合各种室内运动。)

13. The largest pizza available has a diameter of 1 meter, perfect for sharing with friends. (最大的比萨饼直径为1米,非常适合与朋友分享。)

14. The sculpture's base has a diameter of 3 feet, providing stability and support. (雕塑的底座直径为3英尺,提供了稳定和支撑。)

15. Scientists measured the galaxy's diameter to estimate its age and evolution. (科学家们测量了星系的直径,以估算其年龄和演化过程。)


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