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时间: 2024-09-21 07:59:26


Certainly! "Diaphanous" means very sheer and light, almost transparent. Here are 15 example sentences along with their Chinese translations:

1. Her diaphanous gown shimmered in the moonlight. (她的薄纱长袍在月光下闪烁。)

2. The curtains were made of diaphanous fabric. (窗帘用薄纱布料制成。)

3. The bride wore a diaphanous veil over her face. (新娘脸上罩着一层薄纱面纱。)

4. The artist painted the diaphanous wings of the fairy delicately. (艺术家精细地绘制了仙女透明的翅膀。)

5. The clouds were tinged with diaphanous pink at sunset. (日落时分,云彩染上了透明的粉色。)

6. She wrapped herself in a diaphanous scarf to shield from the cool breeze. (她用一条薄纱围巾裹住自己,以防凉风。)

7. The dancer’s costume was adorned with diaphanous ribbons. (舞者的服装上缀满了透明的丝带。)

8. The sunlight filtered through the diaphanous leaves of the trees. (阳光透过树叶的透明部分渗入。)

9. The painting captured the diaphanous quality of the morning mist. (这幅画捕捉到了晨雾的透明质感。)

10. The lake shimmered under the diaphanous layer of ice. (湖面在薄冰的透明层下闪烁。)

11. Her laughter had a diaphanous quality, infectious and light. (她的笑声有一种透明的质感,感染力强而轻盈。)

12. The writer described the scene with diaphanous prose, painting vivid images with words. (作家用透明的散文描绘了这一场景,用文字勾勒出生动的画面。)

13. The film used diaphanous filters to create a dreamlike atmosphere. (这部电影使用透明的滤镜营造出梦幻般的氛围。)

14. The actress wore a diaphanous gown that flowed gracefully as she moved. (女演员穿着一件透明的长袍,在她行走时优雅地流动。)

15. The artist’s paintings often featured diaphanous figures against stark backgrounds. (艺术家的画作经常将透明的人物置于鲜明的背景中。)

These sentences should provide a clear understanding of how "diaphanous" is used in various contexts.

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