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时间: 2024-09-21 05:12:46



1. The dialectic between tradition and innovation drives cultural evolution.

- 传统与创新之间的辩证关系推动了文化的演变。

2. Her philosophy explores the dialectic of freedom and responsibility.

- 她的哲学探讨了自由与责任之间的辩证关系。

3. The dialectic of thesis, antithesis, and synthesis is a fundamental concept in Hegelian philosophy.

- 在黑格尔哲学中,“论题、反题、综合”的辩证过程是一个基本概念。

4. They engaged in a dialectic discussion about the ethics of artificial intelligence.

- 他们进行了一场关于人工智能伦理的辩证讨论。

5. The dialectic between nature and nurture shapes human behavior.

- 自然与培养之间的辩证关系塑造了人类的行为。

6. The book explores the dialectic of power and justice in democratic societies.

- 这本书探讨了民主社会中权力与正义的辩证关系。

7. In Marxist theory, dialectic materialism emphasizes the role of contradictions in driving historical change.

- 在马克思主义理论中,辩证唯物主义强调矛盾在推动历史变革中的作用。

8. The dialectic of supply and demand regulates market prices.

- 供求的辩证关系调节市场价格。

9. The dialectic approach allows for a nuanced understanding of complex social issues.

- 辩证方法允许对复杂社会问题有细致的理解。

10. His poetry reflects the dialectic of love and loss.

- 他的诗歌反映了爱与失落的辩证关系。

11. The dialectic of individualism and collectivism shapes political ideologies.

- 个人主义与集体主义的辩证关系塑造了政治意识形态。

12. The dialectic of theory and practice is essential in scientific research.

- 理论与实践的辩证关系在科学研究中至关重要。

13. They engaged in a dialectic argument about the implications of climate change.

- 他们进行了一场关于气候变化影响的辩证争论。

14. The dialectic between form and content is central to literary analysis.

- 形式与内容之间的辩证关系对文学分析至关重要。

15. Understanding the dialectic of technology and society is crucial for predicting future trends.

- 理解技术与社会之间的辩证关系对预测未来趋势至关重要。


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