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时间: 2024-09-18 16:29:27


Certainly! "Disproof" 表示反证或证伪的意思。以下是一些例句及其中文解释:

1. The experiment provided a conclusive disproof of the hypothesis. (这个实验提供了对假设的确凿证伪。)

2. Despite efforts to find evidence, there was no disproof of the theory. (尽管努力寻找证据,但没有证伪这个理论。)

3. His research aimed to provide disproofs for existing scientific claims. (他的研究旨在为现有的科学主张提供证伪。)

4. The disproof of the conspiracy theory was widely discussed in academic circles. (对这个阴谋论的证伪在学术圈中广泛讨论。)

5. The disproof invalidated decades of accepted doctrine. (这个证伪使几十年来被接受的教义失效了。)

6. The mathematician presented a disproof that challenged the established theorem. (数学家提出了一个证伪,挑战了已建立的定理。)

7. The disproof of the alleged miracle was met with skepticism. (对所谓奇迹的证伪遭到了怀疑。)

8. She attempted to provide a logical disproof of his argument. (她试图对他的论点提供一个逻辑上的证伪。)

9. The disproof of the hypothesis led to a reconsideration of their research approach. (对假设的证伪导致了他们研究方法的重新考虑。)

10. After thorough analysis, they concluded that the evidence provided a clear disproof. (经过彻底分析,他们得出结论,证据提供了明确的证伪。)

11. The disproof of the theory raised questions about the validity of previous experiments. (对这个理论的证伪引发了对之前实验有效性的质疑。)

12. He published a paper outlining the disproof of the controversial hypothesis. (他发表了一篇论文,概述了对这个有争议假设的证伪。)

13. The disproof of the myth was a breakthrough in archaeological studies. (对这个神话的证伪在考古学研究中是一次突破。)

14. The disproof of their assumption reshaped the direction of their investigation. (对他们假设的证伪重新塑造了他们调查的方向。)

15. The disproof was based on rigorous experimentation and data analysis. (这个证伪基于严谨的实验和数据分析。)


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