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时间: 2024-09-19 11:45:38


Certainly! Here are 15 example sentences with Chinese explanations for the word "encage":

1. The zoo encaged the wild animals to ensure visitor safety. (动物园把野生动物关在笼子里,以确保游客的安全。)

2. He felt encaged in his boring job, longing for something more fulfilling. (他觉得自己被枯燥的工作所束缚,渴望着更有意义的事情。)

3. The activists protested against the practice of encaging dolphins for entertainment. (活动人士抗议把海豚困在笼子里作为娱乐活动的做法。)

4. The hunter encaged the captured birds until he could transport them to the market. (猎人把捕获的鸟类关进笼子,等待将它们运往市场。)

5. She felt her creativity was encaged by the rigid rules of the company. (她觉得自己的创造力被公司的严格规定所束缚。)

6. The refugee children were encaged in temporary shelters until proper housing could be arranged. (难民儿童被关在临时住所里,直到能够安排到合适的住房。)

7. They encaged the valuable artifacts behind thick glass to protect them from damage. (他们把珍贵的文物关在厚玻璃后面,以保护它们免受损坏。)

8. The thought of being encaged by debt kept him awake at night. (对于被债务所困扰的念头让他整夜无法入眠。)

9. The criminals were encaged in a high-security prison to prevent their escape. (罪犯们被关进高安全性监狱,以防止他们逃跑。)

10. The birdwatchers encaged themselves in a hidden blind to observe the rare species without disturbance. (观鸟者们把自己关在隐蔽的盲亮里,以观察那些稀有物种而不受干扰。)

11. He felt like his illness had encaged him within the walls of his own body. (他觉得自己的疾病把他困在自己身体的牢笼里。)

12. The protestors were encaged by the police to prevent them from entering the restricted area. (抗议者被警察困在一起,以防止他们进入受限制的区域。)

13. The ancient ruins were encaged in a protective structure to shield them from weathering. (古代遗迹被放置在保护结构中,以防止它们受到风化侵蚀。)

14. Her emotions were encaged behind a facade of indifference. (她的情感被冷漠的外表所掩盖。)

15. The artist felt inspired to create after years of feeling encaged by self-doubt. (这位艺术家在多年的自我怀疑感束缚后,终于感到灵感涌现。)


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