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时间: 2024-09-19 11:30:58


Certainly! Here are 15 example sentences using the word "embitter," along with their Chinese translations:

1. The failure of the project embittered his outlook on life. (这个项目的失败使他对生活产生了悲观情绪。)

2. Constant criticism can embitter even the most optimistic person. (持续的批评甚至能让最乐观的人感到沮丧。)

3. Years of hardship embittered her heart. (多年的艰辛使她心中充满了苦涩。)

4. His bitter experiences in the war embittered him against humanity. (战争中的苦涩经历使他对人类失望透顶。)

5. The betrayal of her closest friend embittered her deeply. (她最亲密的朋友的背叛让她感到极度的痛苦。)

6. He was embittered by the injustice of the legal system. (他对司法系统的不公感到愤懑。)

7. The constant struggles of poverty embittered their lives. (持续的贫困折磨着他们的生活。)

8. His failure to receive recognition embittered him against his colleagues. (未能得到认可使他对同事们感到愤怒。)

9. She was embittered by the loss of her dreams. (她因为梦想的破灭而感到愤怒。)

10. The unresolved conflict embittered relations between the two countries. (未解决的冲突使得两国关系雪上加霜。)

11. The prolonged illness embittered his disposition. (长期的疾病使他的性情变得暴躁。)

12. The disappointment in love embittered her feelings towards romance. (爱情的失望使她对浪漫感到愤怒。)

13. The bitter arguments embittered their friendship. (激烈的争论使他们的友谊变得不再和谐。)

14. The constant rejections embittered his enthusiasm for job hunting. (频繁的拒绝使他对找工作的热情减退。)

15. The failure of negotiations embittered prospects for peace. (谈判的失败使和平前景雾里看花。)

These sentences illustrate various contexts in which "embitter" is used, describing how experiences or situations can cause bitterness and resentment.

上一个 【英语】empower的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】embellish的例句




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