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时间: 2024-09-19 17:32:37



1. The smell of freshly baked bread was irresistible, drawing everyone into the bakery. (新鲜烤面包的香味令人无法抗拒,吸引着所有人走进面包店。)

2. Her irresistible charm captivated everyone at the party. (她不可抗拒的魅力迷住了派对上的每个人。)

3. The puppy's big, pleading eyes were irresistible; no one could resist giving him a treat. (小狗乞求的大眼睛令人难以抗拒,没有人能够不给它一点零食。)

4. The offer was simply irresistible—they were practically giving away the products for free. (这个优惠实在是太诱人了——他们几乎白送这些产品。)

5. The play's humor was irresistible, leaving the audience laughing uncontrollably. (这部戏的幽默令人难以抗拒,让观众笑得前仰后合。)

6. The temptation of the chocolate cake proved irresistible to him despite his diet. (巧克力蛋糕的诱惑对他来说是不可抗拒的,尽管他在节食。)

7. She had an irresistible urge to explore the mysterious old house. (她有一种无法抗拒的冲动,想要探索那座神秘的老房子。)

8. His argument was so persuasive that it became irresistible to ignore. (他的论点非常有说服力,令人无法忽视。)

9. The beauty of the sunset was irresistible, prompting him to take countless photographs. (夕阳的美景令人难以抗拒,促使他拍了无数张照片。)

10. Despite the rain, the allure of the music festival was irresistible to music lovers. (尽管下雨,音乐节对音乐爱好者来说仍是不可抗拒的诱惑。)

11. His smile was irresistible, lighting up the room and everyone's spirits. (他的微笑不可抗拒,照亮了整个房间和每个人的心情。)

12. The opportunity to travel abroad for the first time was irresistible to her, and she eagerly packed her bags. (第一次出国旅行的机会对她来说是不可抗拒的,她迫不及待地收拾行李。)

13. The novel's plot twists were irresistible, keeping readers glued to the pages until the very end. (小说的情节转折令人难以抗拒,让读者一直沉浸在故事中直到最后。)

14. The waves crashing against the shore created an irresistible rhythm that soothed his soul. (海浪拍打岸边形成了一种不可抗拒的节奏,使他的心灵得到了安慰。)

15. Their chemistry was irresistible, and they fell in love at first sight. (他们之间的化学反应令人无法抗拒,他们一见钟情。)


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