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时间: 2024-09-19 17:03:17



1. She had a deep mistrust of politicians after several broken promises.(她对政客们有深深的不信任,因为有几次承诺都被违背了。)

2. His mistrust of strangers made it difficult for him to make new friends.(他对陌生人的不信任使他很难交新朋友。)

3. The CEO's constant micromanagement fostered an atmosphere of mistrust among the employees.(CEO 的过度管理在员工之间制造了一种不信任的氛围。)

4. Cultural differences sometimes lead to mutual mistrust between neighboring countries.(文化差异有时会导致邻国之间的相互不信任。)

5. After the betrayal, she found it hard to overcome her mistrust and open up to anyone again.(经历背叛后,她发现很难克服她的不信任感,再次对任何人敞开心扉。)

6. The team's failure to meet deadlines resulted in mistrust from their clients.(团队未能按时完成工作导致客户对他们的不信任。)

7. Years of corruption scandals have left a legacy of mistrust in the government.(多年来的腐败丑闻给政府留下了不信任的遗产。)

8. Healthy relationships are built on trust, not on suspicion and mistrust.(健康的关系建立在信任上,而不是猜疑和不信任上。)

9. Miscommunication can often lead to unnecessary mistrust between colleagues.(误解往往会导致同事之间不必要的不信任。)

10. The diplomat's diplomatic skills helped bridge the mistrust between the two nations.(外交官的外交技巧帮助缓解了两国之间的不信任。)

11. Transparency in decision-making can reduce mistrust among team members.(决策的透明性可以减少团队成员之间的不信任。)

12. His cynical attitude toward life stemmed from a deep-seated mistrust of people's intentions.(他对生活持怀疑态度源于对人们动机深深的不信任。)

13. A lack of accountability can breed mistrust within an organization.(缺乏问责制度会在组织内部培养不信任。)

14. The media's sensational reporting has contributed to widespread public mistrust of the news.(媒体的煽动性报道加剧了公众对新闻的普遍不信任。)

15. Overcoming mistrust requires honest communication and consistent actions over time.(克服不信任需要长期以来的诚实沟通和一致的行动。)


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