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时间: 2024-09-19 17:31:45



1. The judge cited a precedent from a similar case last year.

- 法官引用了去年一个类似案件的先例。

2. This decision sets an important precedent for future cases.

- 这个决定为未来的案件设立了重要的先例。

3. They argued that this action would break with established legal precedents.

- 他们辩称这种行动将违背已有的法律先例。

4. The court is reluctant to overturn precedents unless there is strong justification.

- 除非有充分的理由,法院不愿推翻先例。

5. The ruling creates a dangerous precedent for future civil liberties cases.

- 这一裁决为未来的公民自由案件创造了一个危险的先例。

6. Lawyers often study past precedents to predict how a judge might rule.

- 律师们经常研究过去的先例来预测法官可能的裁决。

7. The Supreme Court decision overturned decades of legal precedent.

- 最高法院的裁决推翻了几十年来的法律先例。

8. The lawyers presented several precedents to support their argument.

- 律师们提出了几个先例来支持他们的论点。

9. His case was groundbreaking because it set a new precedent in environmental law.

- 他的案件具有开创性,因为它在环境法上设立了一个新的先例。

10. The judge decided to follow the precedent established in a similar case.

- 法官决定遵循一个类似案件中确立的先例。

11. The ruling was based on a precedent dating back to the nineteenth century.

- 这一裁决基于一个可以追溯到19世纪的先例。

12. Legal scholars debated the implications of overturning longstanding precedents.

- 法学者们就推翻长期的先例可能带来的影响展开了辩论。

13. The precedent established in this case will influence future interpretations of the law.

- 这个案件中确立的先例将影响未来对法律的解释。

14. The court refused to create a new precedent without clear legal justification.

- 法院拒绝在没有明确法律依据的情况下创立新的先例。

15. His argument was supported by a precedent that had been widely accepted in previous rulings.

- 他的论点得到了一个在先前裁决中被广泛接受的先例的支持。


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