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时间: 2024-09-21 02:54:47



1. They decided to refurbish the old house before moving in. (他们决定在搬进去之前翻修这座旧房子。)

2. The company refurbishes old computers and sells them at a lower price. (这家公司翻新旧电脑并以更低的价格出售。)

3. The hotel is closed for refurbishment until next spring. (这家酒店因翻新工程关闭至明年春季。)

4. She refurbishes antique furniture as a hobby. (她以翻新古董家具为爱好。)

5. The church underwent a major refurbishment last year. (这座教堂去年进行了大规模的翻修。)

6. The government plans to refurbish public parks across the city. (政府计划在全市范围内翻新公园。)

7. They hired a team of architects to refurbish the historic building. (他们聘请了一组建筑师来修复这座历史建筑。)

8. We need to refurbish our marketing strategy to attract more customers. (我们需要更新我们的营销策略以吸引更多客户。)

9. The museum is closed temporarily while they refurbish the exhibits. (博物馆因翻新展品而暂时关闭。)

10. He refurbishes old cars and sells them to collectors. (他翻新旧车并将其卖给收藏家。)

11. The school plans to refurbish the playground over the summer break. (学校计划在暑假期间翻新操场。)

12. The team of decorators will refurbish the entire apartment next week. (装修团队将于下周翻新整个公寓。)

13. They are refurbishing the kitchen with new appliances and countertops. (他们正在用新的电器和台面重新装修厨房。)

14. She hired a contractor to refurbish the exterior of her house. (她雇了一名承包商来翻新房子的外部。)

15. The local government allocated funds to refurbish the community center. (地方政府拨款用于翻新社区中心。)


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