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时间: 2024-09-21 01:15:12


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using "regenerate" with Chinese translations:

1. The lizard's tail will regenerate if it is broken off.

- 如果蜥蜴的尾巴断掉了,它会再生。

2. The city plans to regenerate its downtown area with new parks and buildings.

- 城市计划通过建设新公园和建筑物来更新市中心地区。

3. Certain plants have the ability to regenerate from just a small cutting.

- 有些植物能够从一小段插枝中再生。

4. The doctor assured the patient that the liver cells would eventually regenerate.

- 医生向患者保证,肝细胞最终会再生。

5. Forests have the remarkable ability to regenerate after a fire.

- 森林在经历火灾后有惊人的再生能力。

6. The political leader promised to regenerate the economy through new policies.

- 政治领导人承诺通过新政策来恢复经济。

7. Researchers are studying how to regenerate damaged nerve tissue.

- 研究人员正在研究如何再生受损的神经组织。

8. Adequate sleep is essential for the body to regenerate and repair itself.

- 充足的睡眠对身体的再生和修复至关重要。

9. The community worked together to regenerate the neglected park.

- 社区齐心协力来修复荒废的公园。

10. The lizard took several weeks to regenerate its tail completely.

- 蜥蜴花了几周的时间才完全再生出尾巴。

11. We need to find ways to regenerate enthusiasm among the team.

- 我们需要找到方法来激发团队的热情。

12. The company's new CEO aims to regenerate its corporate culture.

- 公司的新CEO旨在重塑其企业文化。

13. Aloe vera is known for its ability to regenerate skin cells.

- 芦荟以其再生皮肤细胞的能力而闻名。

14. The neighborhood is undergoing a process to regenerate its historical buildings.

- 这个社区正在进行更新其历史建筑的过程。

15. Science fiction often explores futuristic technologies to regenerate organs.

- 科幻小说经常探索未来技术来再生器官。


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