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时间: 2024-09-20 14:31:48



1. After the initial success, the company began to retrogress and faced several financial issues.

- 在最初的成功之后,公司开始退步,面临了几个财务问题。

2. Society cannot afford to retrogress into outdated customs and practices.

- 社会不能退回到过时的习俗和做法中。

3. The project retrogressed after the team lost several key members.

- 在团队失去了几个关键成员之后,项目开始退步。

4. If we do not adapt to new technologies, we will retrogress in the global market.

- 如果我们不适应新技术,我们将在全球市场中退步。

5. He felt that his personal development was retrogressing instead of advancing.

- 他觉得自己的个人发展在退步,而不是进步。

6. The region began to retrogress economically after the factory closure.

- 在工厂关闭后,该地区的经济开始退步。

7. Political instability can cause a nation to retrogress to a previous, less advanced state.

- 政治不稳定可能导致一个国家退回到之前的、不那么先进的状态。

8. She was worried that her skills might retrogress during her extended break.

- 她担心在长时间的休假期间,她的技能可能会退步。

9. The new policy seemed to retrogress the progress made in environmental protection.

- 新政策似乎使环境保护方面的进展退步了。

10. Retrogressing in one’s career can be disheartening but it’s sometimes part of the process.

- 职业上的退步可能令人沮丧,但有时这是过程的一部分。

11. A failure to innovate can cause a business to retrogress in a competitive industry.

- 失败创新可能导致企业在竞争激烈的行业中退步。

12. We must prevent the legal system from retrogressing to a more restrictive era.

- 我们必须防止法律系统退回到一个更加严苛的时代。

13. Educational standards will retrogress if we do not invest in better resources for schools.

- 如果我们不投资于学校的更好资源,教育标准将会退步。

14. The once-thriving city began to retrogress after the major economic downturn.

- 这座曾经繁荣的城市在重大经济衰退后开始退步。

15. Human rights advancements are at risk of retrogressing if global cooperation falters.

- 如果全球合作出现问题,人权进展将面临退步的风险。


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