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时间: 2024-09-20 11:45:15


Certainly! 这里有关于"retrospect"的例句以及它们的中文解释:

1. In retrospect, I realize I should have listened to her advice.(事后回顾,我意识到我应该听她的建议。)

2. With retrospect, he understood why his actions had upset his friend.(事后反思,他明白了他的行为为什么会让朋友不开心。)

3. In retrospect, choosing the cheaper option wasn't the best decision.(事后看来,选择更便宜的选项并不是最好的决定。)

4. With the benefit of retrospect, he saw the flaws in his original plan.(通过事后的反思,他看到了原计划中的缺陷。)

5. In retrospect, moving to a new city was the right choice for her career.(事后回想,搬到一个新城市对她的事业是正确的选择。)

6. In retrospect, she regretted not spending more time with her family.(事后回顾,她后悔没有花更多时间和家人在一起。)

7. With retrospect, they realized they should have started saving money earlier.(通过反思,他们意识到他们应该更早开始存钱。)

8. In retrospect, the team should have prepared more thoroughly for the competition.(事后看来,团队应该为比赛做更充分的准备。)

9. Hindsight is always 20/20; in retrospect, we can see what we should have done.(事后看来,我们总能看到我们本该做的事情。)

10. With the wisdom of retrospect, she understood why the relationship didn't work out.(通过事后的反思,她理解了为什么这段关系没有继续下去。)

11. In retrospect, the decision to postpone the project was the right one.(事后回顾,推迟项目的决定是正确的。)

12. With the clarity of retrospect, he recognized his own role in the misunderstanding.(通过事后的清晰认识,他意识到了自己在误解中的角色。)

13. In retrospect, it was a mistake not to seek professional advice sooner.(事后看来,不早点寻求专业建议是一个错误。)

14. With the benefit of retrospect, they could identify the warning signs they had missed.(通过事后的反思,他们能够识别出他们曾经忽视的警告信号。)

15. In retrospect, she saw that fear had held her back from pursuing her dreams.(事后回顾,她发现恐惧曾经阻碍她追求梦想。)


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