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时间: 2024-09-20 01:14:51


Certainly! "Subeditor" refers to a position in publishing responsible for editing and preparing material for publication. Here are 15 example sentences with Chinese explanations:

1. The subeditor corrected grammatical errors in the manuscript before it went to print.

- 这位副编辑在手稿印刷前修正了语法错误。

2. As a subeditor, her job involves ensuring consistency in style across all articles.

- 作为副编辑,她的工作包括确保所有文章风格的一致性。

3. The subeditor rewrote the headline to make it more compelling.

- 副编辑重写了标题,使其更加引人注目。

4. Subeditors often work closely with writers to refine their content.

- 副编辑经常与作者密切合作,修改他们的内容。

5. His attention to detail as a subeditor ensured that the final draft was error-free.

- 作为副编辑,他的注重细节确保了最终稿件没有错误。

6. The subeditor trimmed the article to fit the allocated space in the magazine.

- 副编辑删减了文章以适应杂志中分配的空间。

7. The role of a subeditor is crucial in maintaining the quality of published material.

- 副编辑的角色在于维护出版物的质量至关重要。

8. Subeditors review content not only for accuracy but also for clarity.

- 副编辑审查内容不仅要确保准确性,还要确保清晰明了。

9. The subeditor suggested restructuring the paragraphs for better flow.

- 副编辑建议重新安排段落,以获得更好的表达流畅性。

10. In many publishing houses, subeditors also handle fact-checking tasks.

- 在许多出版社中,副编辑也负责事实核实任务。

11. She started as a subeditor and worked her way up to become the editor-in-chief.

- 她从副编辑开始,逐步晋升为总编。

12. The subeditor's role extends beyond editing to coordinating with designers and printers.

- 副编辑的角色不仅限于编辑,还包括与设计师和印刷商的协调工作。

13. Effective communication skills are essential for a subeditor to convey editorial changes to authors.

- 有效的沟通技巧对于副编辑来说至关重要,以便向作者传达编辑更改。

14. The subeditor's keen eye caught inconsistencies in the manuscript.

- 副编辑敏锐的眼光发现了手稿中的不一致之处。

15. Becoming a subeditor requires a strong command of language and editorial standards.

- 成为副编辑需要对语言和编辑标准有很强的掌握。


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