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时间: 2024-09-19 17:15:55


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using "transitory" along with their Chinese explanations:

1. The feeling of sadness was transitory; it soon gave way to hope and optimism. (短暂的;情绪很快就变成了希望和乐观。)

2. Fame in the entertainment industry can be transitory, with new stars emerging every year. (在娱乐行业中,名声是瞬息万变的,每年都会涌现新星。)

3. The economic downturn was transitory, lasting only a few months before recovery began. (经济下滑只是暂时的,很快就开始复苏。)

4. His interest in photography was transitory; he moved on to painting soon after. (他对摄影的兴趣是暂时的;不久之后他就转向了绘画。)

5. The storm caused transitory damage to the crops, but overall the harvest was still good. (暴风雨对农作物造成了短暂的损害,但总体来说收成还是不错的。)

6. The transitory nature of childhood friendships often means that many are forgotten over time. (童年友谊的短暂性意味着许多友谊随着时间的推移被遗忘。)

7. Happiness is often transitory; it's important to appreciate it when it comes. (幸福常常是短暂的;当它来临时要珍惜。)

8. The transitory nature of fashion means styles change rapidly from season to season. (时尚的短暂性意味着风格从一个季节到另一个季节迅速变化。)

9. She found solace in the transitory beauty of the sunset, knowing it would soon fade into darkness. (她在日落的短暂美丽中找到了慰藉,知道它很快就会褪去进入黑暗。)

10. The success of their startup was transitory, as they struggled to maintain market share in the following years. (他们创业初期的成功是短暂的,随后几年他们艰难地维持市场份额。)

11. Memories of that trip were transitory, fleeting like a dream upon waking. (那次旅行的记忆是短暂的,像醒来时的梦境一样转瞬即逝。)

12. The sense of achievement she felt was transitory, overshadowed by the challenges that lay ahead. (她感到的成就感是短暂的,被即将面临的挑战所掩盖。)

13. The transitory nature of digital media makes trends difficult to predict. (数字媒体的短暂性使得趋势难以预测。)

14. His anger was transitory; he quickly apologized once he realized his mistake. (他的愤怒是暂时的;一旦意识到自己的错误,他很快道歉了。)

15. The transitory nature of youth is often not fully appreciated until it has passed. (青春的短暂性经常在它过去后才被充分珍惜。)


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