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时间: 2024-09-18 19:01:23


当我们谈论 "ultrared" 时,通常指的是极端的红色,以下是一些例句和中文解释:

1. The sports car was painted in an ultrared finish that made it stand out on the road. (这辆跑车涂上了极端红色的表面,使它在路上非常显眼。)

2. Her lipstick was an ultrared shade that matched her daring personality. (她的口红是一种极端红色调,与她大胆的个性相称。)

3. The sunset painted the sky in an ultrared hue, casting a warm glow over the landscape. (夕阳把天空染成极端红色的色调,给景观披上了温暖的光辉。)

4. The artist used ultrared pigment to create a vibrant and striking painting. (艺术家使用极端红色的颜料创作了一幅充满活力和引人注目的画作。)

5. The fashion designer showcased a collection featuring ultrared dresses that caught everyone's attention. (时装设计师展示了一系列极端红色连衣裙,吸引了所有人的注意。)

6. Infrared cameras can detect ultrared wavelengths that are invisible to the human eye. (红外相机可以探测人眼看不见的极端红色波长。)

7. The flower petals were dyed in ultrared dye for a dramatic effect in the garden. (花瓣用极端红色染料染色,为花园营造戏剧性效果。)

8. The warning light flashed in ultrared to signal an emergency situation. (警告灯以极端红色闪烁,表示紧急情况。)

9. The team mascot wore an ultrared costume to pump up the crowd during the game. (队吉祥物穿着极端红色的服装,在比赛期间激励观众。)

10. Ultrared lasers are used in certain medical procedures for precise targeting. (极端红色激光用于某些医疗程序,用于精确瞄准。)

11. The company logo was redesigned with an ultrared accent to symbolize energy and innovation. (公司标志以极端红色为重点重新设计,象征活力和创新。)

12. The dancer's costume shimmered under the stage lights in ultrared sequins. (舞者的服装在舞台灯光下闪闪发光,穿着极端红色的亮片。)

13. The thermometer indicated an ultrared temperature warning, prompting people to stay hydrated. (温度计显示出极端红色的高温警报,提醒人们保持水分。)

14. Ultrared LED bulbs are known for their efficiency and long lifespan. (极端红色LED灯泡以其高效和长寿命而闻名。)

15. The novel cover featured an ultrared background that reflected the intensity of the story within. (小说封面采用极端红色背景,反映了故事的强烈情感。)

这些例句展示了 "ultrared" 在不同语境下的用法和含义。

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