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时间: 2024-09-19 17:23:08


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences with "quadrilateral" along with their Chinese explanations:

1. The playground was marked with a quadrilateral shape for the new basketball court.

- 运动场上标记有一个四边形形状,用于新的篮球场地。

2. A rhombus is a special type of quadrilateral with all sides of equal length.

- 菱形是一种特殊的四边形,其所有边长均相等。

3. The garden design featured several quadrilaterals arranged in a geometric pattern.

- 花园设计中有几个四边形以几何图案排列。

4. Can you identify the type of quadrilateral formed by these four points?

- 你能辨认出由这四个点形成的四边形类型吗?

5. The kite flown by the children is a quadrilateral with two pairs of adjacent sides.

- 孩子们放飞的风筝是一个有两对相邻边的四边形。

6. Geometry class covered the properties and classifications of various quadrilaterals.

- 几何课上涵盖了各种四边形的性质和分类。

7. The construction plans required precise measurements of each quadrilateral in the building's facade.

- 建筑立面的施工计划要求对每个四边形进行精确测量。

8. The soccer field was laid out in the shape of a quadrilateral to maximize space efficiency.

- 足球场的布局呈四边形形状,以最大化空间效率。

9. She used a ruler and protractor to accurately draw the quadrilateral on graph paper.

- 她用尺和量角器在方格纸上准确地画出了四边形。

10. The foundation of the new building was a quadrilateral with unequal sides due to the irregular lot shape.

- 新建筑的基础是一个四边形,由于不规则的地块形状,各边长不等。

11. Quadrilaterals can have properties such as being convex or concave.

- 四边形可以具有凸或凹的特性。

12. The children played hopscotch, hopping from one quadrilateral to another drawn on the ground.

- 孩子们玩跳房子游戏,从地面上画的一个四边形跳到另一个四边形。

13. In mathematics, a parallelogram is a type of quadrilateral with opposite sides parallel.

- 在数学中,平行四边形是一种具有对边平行的四边形。

14. The garden was landscaped with pathways shaped like various quadrilaterals to create visual interest.

- 花园中的路径形状各异,设计成各种四边形,以增加视觉趣味。

15. The blueprint called for the construction of a swimming pool in the backyard, outlined in the shape of a quadrilateral.

- 蓝图要求在后院建造一个游泳池,其形状呈四边形。

上一个 【英语】quadricycle的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】quasi的例句




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