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时间: 2024-09-18 13:16:53


1. Farmers rely on agrimotors to plow their fields efficiently during planting season. (农民们依靠农用拖拉机在播种季节高效地耕种。)

2. The agrimotor sputtered to life as the farmer turned the ignition key. (农民转动点火钥匙时,农用拖拉机发出嘎吱声响,开始运转。)

3. Agricultural productivity soared with the introduction of modern agrimotors on the farm. (农场引进现代农用拖拉机后,农业生产力大幅提升。)

4. The agrimotor struggled through the muddy terrain, pulling the heavy plow behind it. (农用拖拉机在泥泞的地形中挣扎前行,牵引着后面的重型犁。)

5. Maintenance of agrimotors is crucial to ensure they operate smoothly throughout the farming season. (保养农用拖拉机至关重要,以确保它们在整个农业生产季节内运行顺畅。)

6. The agrimotor's engine roared as it powered through the thick undergrowth of the field. (农用拖拉机引擎轰鸣,强劲推动它穿过田野里茂密的灌木丛。)

7. New advancements in agrimotor technology have made farming more efficient and less labor-intensive. (农用拖拉机技术的新进展使农业更加高效,减少了劳动强度。)

8. The agrimotor's tires were designed to withstand rough terrain and heavy loads. (农用拖拉机的轮胎设计能够承受崎岖的地形和沉重的负荷。)

9. The farmer skillfully maneuvered the agrimotor between rows of crops, avoiding damage to the plants. (农民巧妙地驾驶农用拖拉机在作物行间穿行,避免对植物造成损害。)

10. A reliable agrimotor is essential equipment for any modern farm aiming to maximize yield and efficiency. (对于任何希望最大化产量和效率的现代农场来说,可靠的农用拖拉机是必不可少的设备。)

11. The agrimotor was parked under a shed, ready for the next day's work in the fields. (农用拖拉机停放在棚屋下,准备好明天在田地里的工作。)

12. Regular servicing ensures the agrimotor's engine remains in top condition throughout its operational life. (定期维护确保农用拖拉机的引擎在其运行寿命内保持最佳状态。)

13. The agrimotor's GPS navigation system guided the farmer accurately across the vast farmland. (农用拖拉机的GPS导航系统准确引导农民穿越广阔的农田。)

14. Learning to operate an agrimotor requires both technical knowledge and practical experience in farming. (学习操作农用拖拉机需要既有技术知识,也需要实际的农业经验。)

15. The agrimotor manufacturer offers training programs to ensure farmers understand how to use their equipment safely and effectively. (农用拖拉机制造商提供培训项目,确保农民们安全有效地使用他们的设备。)

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