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时间: 2024-09-18 22:23:18


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using "discordance" along with their Chinese translations:

1. The discordance between their goals led to frequent arguments. (他们目标的不一致导致频繁的争论。)

2. There was a discordance in their opinions regarding the project's direction. (关于项目方向,他们意见不一致。)

3. The discordance in their values became apparent during the debate. (在辩论中,他们的价值观不一致显露出来。)

4. His speech was marked by discordance with the party's official stance. (他的讲话与党的官方立场存在不一致。)

5. The discordance between theory and practice often frustrates new learners. (理论与实践之间的不一致常常让新学习者感到沮丧。)

6. Cultural discordance can sometimes lead to misunderstandings between nations. (文化上的不一致有时会导致国家之间的误解。)

7. The discordance between her actions and her words puzzled her friends. (她言行不一的举止让她的朋友感到困惑。)

8. The discordance in economic policies caused instability in the region. (经济政策上的不一致导致了该地区的不稳定。)

9. There is a noticeable discordance between the data from different sources. (不同来源的数据之间存在明显的不一致。)

10. The discordance in their musical tastes made collaboration difficult. (他们音乐口味的不一致使得合作变得困难。)

11. Linguistic discordance can hinder effective communication. (语言上的不一致可能阻碍有效的沟通。)

12. The discordance between the public's expectations and the government's actions sparked protests. (公众期望与政府行动之间的不一致引发了抗议。)

13. The survey revealed a significant discordance in opinions among different age groups. (调查显示不同年龄群体的意见存在显著不一致。)

14. Scientific studies sometimes reveal discordance between popular beliefs and empirical evidence. (科学研究有时揭示了普遍信念与实证证据之间的不一致。)

15. The discordance between policy makers and stakeholders prolonged the negotiation process. (决策者和利益相关者之间的不一致延长了谈判过程。)


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