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时间: 2024-09-18 11:21:06


Certainly! Here are 15 example sentences with "citation," along with their Chinese explanations:

1. The academic paper received a citation in a prestigious journal.

- 这篇学术论文在一本知名期刊中被引用了。

2. The police officer issued a citation for parking in a no-parking zone.

- 警察因停车在禁止停车区域内开具了罚单。

3. The book has numerous citations to support its arguments.

- 这本书有很多引文来支持它的论点。

4. She was proud of receiving a citation for her outstanding performance at work.

- 她因工作表现优秀而受到了表彰,感到非常自豪。

5. The court requires proper citations for all evidence presented.

- 法院要求对呈现的所有证据都进行正确引用。

6. He included a citation to acknowledge the source of his information.

- 他包含了一条引文来确认他信息的来源。

7. The teacher asked for citations in the bibliography to be formatted according to APA style.

- 老师要求参考文献中的引用按照APA格式进行格式化。

8. Scholars often use citations to trace the origins of ideas.

- 学者们经常使用引文来追溯思想的起源。

9. The historian's work is marked by meticulous citations of primary sources.

- 这位历史学家的作品以对主要来源的精确引用而闻名。

10. The journalist received a prestigious award for her series on corruption, citing the citation as a career highlight.

- 这位记者因她关于腐败系列报道而获得了一项声望很高的奖项,她将这一荣誉视为职业生涯的亮点。

11. Each citation in the paper must be checked for accuracy.

- 论文中的每个引用都必须检查准确性。

12. The citation from the ancient text provided insight into traditional practices.

- 古代文本中的引文揭示了传统实践的内涵。

13. Academic integrity includes proper citation of sources.

- 学术诚信包括对来源进行正确引用。

14. The citation of legal precedents strengthened the lawyer's argument.

- 法律先例的引用加强了律师的论点。

15. She was surprised by the citation of her blog post in a scholarly article.

- 她对她的博客文章在学术文章中被引用感到惊讶。


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