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时间: 2024-09-19 17:05:56



1. He lived a reclusive life in the mountains, away from civilization.(他在山里过着隐居的生活,远离文明。)

2. The writer became increasingly reclusive as he focused on his work.(这位作家因专注于创作而变得越来越隐居。)

3. She has become quite reclusive since her husband passed away.(自从丈夫去世后,她变得相当隐居。)

4. The billionaire is known for his reclusive lifestyle, rarely appearing in public.(这位亿万富翁以隐居的生活方式著称,很少公开露面。)

5. The artist's reclusive nature adds an air of mystery to his paintings.(这位艺术家的隐居性格给他的画作增添了一丝神秘感。)

6. Despite his reclusive tendencies, he was always friendly to his neighbors.(尽管他有隐居的倾向,但他总是对邻居很友好。)

7. The old mansion on the hill was inhabited by a reclusive old man.(山上的那座古老的大宅住着一位隐居的老人。)

8. The actress retreated into a reclusive life after retiring from the spotlight.(这位女演员从公众视线中退下后,过上了隐居的生活。)

9. The author's reclusive behavior puzzled her fans, who wanted more interaction.(这位作家的隐居行为让她的粉丝感到困惑,他们希望能有更多互动。)

10. Despite his reclusive lifestyle, he maintained a deep connection with nature.(尽管他过着隐居的生活方式,但他与大自然保持着深厚的联系。)

11. The scientist was known for his reclusive habits, preferring solitude for his research.(这位科学家以隐居的习惯而闻名,他更喜欢独处进行研究。)

12. The reclusive monk rarely spoke, but his words carried great wisdom.(这位隐居的僧侣很少言语,但他的话语充满了智慧。)

13. The heiress chose a reclusive life away from the public eye.(这位女继承人选择了一个远离公众视线的隐居生活。)

14. He found solace in his reclusive cabin in the woods.(他在森林里的隐居小屋里找到了慰藉。)

15. Despite his reclusive tendencies, he maintained a vibrant online presence.(尽管他有隐居的倾向,但他保持着活跃的网络存在。)


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