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时间: 2024-09-20 21:11:39



1. The crescent moon hung low in the sky, casting a soft glow over the landscape. (弯月低垂在天空中,为景观披上柔和的光辉。)

2. She wore a delicate necklace with a small crescent charm. (她戴着一条带有小弯月吊坠的精致项链。)

3. The Islamic symbol features a green crescent on a white background. (伊斯兰教的标志是在白色背景上绿色的弯月。)

4. By the riverbank, a crescent of silver sand shimmered in the moonlight. (河岸边,银色的沙滩在月光下闪闪发光。)

5. The artist painted a serene landscape with a crescent-shaped lake at its center. (艺术家画了一幅宁静的景观,中间是一个弯曲的湖泊。)

6. In the night sky, the crescent shape of Venus was clearly visible. (在夜空中,金星的弯月形状清晰可见。)

7. The old man pointed to the crescent scar on his cheek, reminiscing about his youth. (老人指着脸颊上的弯月形疤痕,回忆起他的青春。)

8. They enjoyed a romantic evening under a crescent of stars. (他们在星星成弯月状的天空下度过了浪漫的夜晚。)

9. The city was shaped like a crescent along the coastline. (这座城市沿着海岸线成弯月形状。)

10. She used a crescent wrench to tighten the bolts. (她用弯柄扳手拧紧螺栓。)

11. The pastry chef created a delightful treat in the shape of a crescent. (面包师傅做了一个形状如弯月的美味点心。)

12. The young moon formed a slender crescent in the evening sky. (年轻的月亮在晚空中形成了一弯细长的月牙。)

13. The ship sailed into the bay shaped like a crescent. (船只驶入了一个弯月形状的海湾。)

14. The child pointed excitedly at the crescent-shaped balloon floating above. (孩子兴奋地指着天空中飘浮的弯月形气球。)

15. The crescent symbolizes growth and change in many cultures. (弯月在许多文化中象征着成长和变化。)


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