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时间: 2024-09-20 19:03:06


Certainly! "Decrescent" is an adjective that means decreasing or becoming less. Here are 15 example sentences along with their Chinese translations:

1. The decrescent sunlight cast long shadows across the field.

- 日光越来越少,投射出长长的阴影。

2. Her enthusiasm for the project was decrescent as the challenges mounted.

- 面对日益增多的挑战,她对这个项目的热情逐渐减退。

3. The decrescent interest in traditional crafts worries artisans.

- 对传统工艺日益减少的兴趣让工匠们感到担忧。

4. As the winter progressed, the decrescent temperature heralded the coming spring.

- 随着冬天的进行,温度逐渐下降,预示着春天的到来。

5. The decrescent numbers of attendees at the event raised concerns about its future.

- 活动参与者数量的逐渐减少引发了对其未来的担忧。

6. His decrescent financial resources forced him to reconsider his travel plans.

- 由于资金越来越少,他不得不重新考虑他的旅行计划。

7. The decrescent moon peeked through the clouds on a chilly night.

- 在寒冷的夜晚,月亮从云层中若隐若现。

8. Over time, her once strong resolve became decrescent in the face of constant setbacks.

- 随着时间的推移,她曾经坚定的决心在不断的挫折面前逐渐减弱。

9. The decrescent funding from sponsors necessitated a reevaluation of the event's scale.

- 赞助商提供的资金越来越少,需要重新评估活动的规模。

10. The decrescent power of the aging king led to uncertainty about the kingdom's future.

- 年迈国王日益减弱的权力使人们对王国的未来感到不安。

11. With each passing year, the decrescent support for the charity became evident.

- 随着每一年的过去,对慈善事业支持的减少变得明显。

12. The decrescent speed of the car indicated a problem with the engine.

- 车辆速度的逐渐减慢表明发动机出了问题。

13. The decrescent enthusiasm among voters reflected disillusionment with the political system.

- 选民之间逐渐减少的热情反映了对政治体制的幻灭感。

14. The decrescent size of the audience signaled a need for changes in the event's marketing strategy.

- 观众数量的逐渐减少表明需要对活动的营销策略进行调整。

15. Despite the decrescent rainfall, the farmers managed to yield a good harvest.

- 尽管降雨量逐渐减少,农民们仍然收获了丰收。


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