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时间: 2024-09-20 17:07:49


Certainly! 这里有关于"procreative"的例句及其中文解释:

1. "The act of procreative intimacy is a deeply personal and meaningful experience for many couples." (生育性的亲密行为对许多夫妇来说是一种深刻的个人和有意义的体验。)

2. "In some cultures, procreative success is considered essential for familial honor." (在某些文化中,生育成功被认为对家庭荣誉至关重要。)

3. "They underwent fertility treatments to enhance their procreative chances." (他们接受了生育治疗以增加他们的生育机会。)

4. "For many, procreative instincts are tied closely to emotional fulfillment." (对许多人来说,生育的本能与情感的满足密切相关。)

5. "Procreative responsibilities are shared equally between partners in modern relationships." (在现代关系中,生育责任在伴侣之间平等分享。)

6. "Her novel explores themes of procreative rights in a dystopian future." (她的小说探讨了在反乌托邦未来中的生育权利主题。)

7. "The study of procreative health spans disciplines from medicine to sociology." (关于生育健康的研究涵盖了从医学到社会学的多个学科。)

8. "They argued about the ethical implications of procreative technologies." (他们就生育技术的伦理影响进行了争论。)

9. "Procreative decisions can profoundly impact the dynamics of a family." (生育决策可能会深刻影响家庭的动态。)

10. "The decline in procreative rates has demographic implications for the future." (生育率的下降对未来的人口统计学有着重要影响。)

11. "Couples often seek counseling when facing procreative challenges." (夫妇在面对生育挑战时经常寻求咨询。)

12. "Certain religions have specific beliefs about procreative responsibilities." (某些宗教对生育责任有特定的信仰。)

13. "Procreative rights are considered fundamental human rights in many legal frameworks." (在许多法律框架中,生育权被视为基本人权。)

14. "They were excited to start a family and embrace their procreative roles." (他们为要开始家庭生活并拥抱他们的生育角色感到兴奋。)

15. "The documentary explores global attitudes towards procreative freedoms." (这部纪录片探讨了全球对生育自由的态度。)


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