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时间: 2024-09-20 22:03:15




1. "She spends most of her day in her cubicle, working on spreadsheets and reports."

- 她大部分时间都在她的小隔间里,处理电子表格和报告。

2. "The cubicles in our office are designed to maximize privacy without sacrificing collaboration."

- 我们办公室的隔间设计旨在最大化隐私,同时不影响协作。

3. "He decorated his cubicle with photos of his family and travel souvenirs."

- 他在他的小隔间里装饰了他家人的照片和旅行纪念品。

4. "The new cubicles were installed to create a more productive work environment."

- 新的小隔间安装旨在创造一个更有生产力的工作环境。

5. "She felt isolated in her cubicle and preferred working in an open office space."

- 她觉得在小隔间里很孤单,更喜欢在开放式办公空间工作。

6. "The cubicle walls are soundproofed to reduce distractions."

- 隔间的墙壁经过隔音处理,以减少干扰。

7. "He peeked over the cubicle wall to ask his colleague a quick question."

- 他从小隔间的墙边探头过去,向同事快速问了个问题。

8. "The cubicles provide employees with a designated space to focus on their tasks."

- 小隔间为员工提供了一个专门的空间,让他们专注于任务。

9. "They rearranged the cubicles to improve workflow and communication."

- 他们重新布置了小隔间,以改善工作流程和沟通。

10. "The cubicle layout allows for easy supervision by managers."

- 小隔间的布局方便经理们进行轻松的监督。

11. "She put up curtains around her cubicle for additional privacy."

- 她在她的小隔间周围挂起了帘子,增加了隐私。

12. "The company decided to replace traditional cubicles with more modern, flexible workstations."

- 公司决定用更现代、更灵活的工作站取代传统的小隔间。

13. "Each cubicle is equipped with a desk, chair, and computer."

- 每个小隔间都配备有桌子、椅子和电脑。

14. "He personalized his cubicle with posters and plants to make it feel more like home."

- 他用海报和植物个性化了他的小隔间,让它更像家一样。

15. "The cubicles are arranged in clusters to encourage team collaboration."

- 小隔间被布置成集群,以鼓励团队协作。

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