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时间: 2024-09-20 19:50:34


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using "incubate" along with their Chinese explanations:

1. We need to incubate the eggs at a constant temperature for them to hatch successfully. (我们需要以恒定的温度孵化蛋,以确保它们成功孵化。)

2. Startups often incubate their ideas in coworking spaces before seeking funding. (创业公司通常会在共享工作空间里培育他们的创意,然后再寻求资金支持。)

3. The virus can incubate in the body for up to two weeks before symptoms appear. (病毒在体内潜伏最多两周,然后才会出现症状。)

4. Scientists use incubators to simulate environmental conditions for research purposes. (科学家使用培养箱来模拟研究目的的环境条件。)

5. Ideas often need time to incubate before they can be fully developed. (创意通常需要时间酝酿才能完全发展。)

6. The company decided to incubate the project until market conditions improved. (公司决定在市场条件改善之前培育这个项目。)

7. Infections can incubate silently in the body, spreading without symptoms. (感染可以在体内悄然潜伏,没有症状地传播。)

8. They plan to incubate young entrepreneurs by providing mentorship and resources. (他们计划通过提供指导和资源来培养年轻创业者。)

9. The artist allowed her ideas to incubate for months before starting her new series. (艺术家在开始她的新系列之前,让她的创意酝酿了几个月。)

10. Eggs are carefully incubated to ensure optimal conditions for chick development. (蛋被仔细地孵化,以确保小鸡发育的最佳条件。)

11. It's important to incubate cultures under sterile conditions to avoid contamination. (在无菌条件下孵育培养物是很重要的,以避免污染。)

12. The university has a program to incubate innovative ideas from its students. (该大学有一个计划,用于孵化其学生的创新想法。)

13. Political tensions continued to incubate in the region, threatening stability. (政治紧张局势在该地区继续酝酿,威胁到稳定。)

14. The film studio incubates new talent by offering workshops and internships. (电影制片厂通过提供研讨会和实习来培养新人才。)

15. Parents play a crucial role in incubating their children's curiosity and creativity. (父母在培育孩子的好奇心和创造力方面发挥着关键作用。)


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