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时间: 2024-09-19 17:24:52


Certainly! "Arboriculture" refers to the cultivation and management of trees and shrubs, typically for ornamental, timber, or other practical purposes. Here are 15 example sentences with Chinese explanations:

1. Arboriculture is essential for maintaining urban green spaces.

- 树木栽培对于维护城市绿地至关重要。

2. The city hired experts in arboriculture to care for its historic trees.

- 城市聘请了树木栽培专家来照料其历史悠久的树木。

3. His passion for arboriculture began in childhood, planting trees with his grandfather.

- 他对树木栽培的热情始于童年,与祖父一起种植树木。

4. The course on arboriculture covers both theory and practical skills.

- 这门关于树木栽培的课程涵盖了理论和实际技能。

5. She is studying arboriculture to become a certified arborist.

- 她正在学习树木栽培,以成为一名获得认证的园艺师。

6. Proper arboriculture techniques can prolong the lifespan of trees.

- 正确的树木栽培技术可以延长树木的寿命。

7. The conference focused on sustainable practices in arboriculture.

- 会议重点讨论了树木栽培中的可持续实践。

8. The textbook covers various aspects of arboriculture, including tree diseases and pruning techniques.

- 这本教科书涵盖了树木栽培的各个方面,包括树木疾病和修剪技术。

9. Advanced equipment is used in modern arboriculture to ensure safety and efficiency.

- 现代树木栽培使用先进设备,以确保安全和效率。

10. Arboriculture plays a crucial role in ecological restoration projects.

- 树木栽培在生态恢复项目中起着至关重要的作用。

11. The city council approved funds for a new arboriculture program.

- 市议会批准了一项新的树木栽培计划的资金。

12. Practical experience in arboriculture is gained through internships and fieldwork.

- 通过实习和实地工作获得树木栽培的实际经验。

13. Arboriculture experts were consulted to assess the health of the old oak tree.

- 请教了树木栽培专家来评估老橡树的健康状况。

14. The university offers a degree in arboriculture and urban forestry.

- 大学开设了树木栽培与城市林业学位课程。

15. Government guidelines emphasize sustainable practices in arboriculture across the country.

- 政府指导方针强调全国范围内树木栽培的可持续实践。

These sentences provide various contexts in which "arboriculture" is used, highlighting its importance and application in different scenarios.

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