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时间: 2024-09-20 19:08:33



1. She writes in beautiful cursive script that is a joy to read. (她用漂亮的连笔字体书写,读起来令人愉悦。)

2. Learning cursive handwriting is still taught in some schools. (一些学校仍然教授连笔字的书写。)

3. The artist signed his name in a flowing cursive style. (艺术家用一种流畅的草书体风格签署了他的名字。)

4. Please fill out the form in cursive writing. (请用草书体填写表格。)

5. Her cursive is so elegant that it looks like calligraphy. (她的草书体写得如此优雅,看起来像书法。)

6. In third grade, students are expected to start learning cursive. (三年级的学生应该开始学习草书体。)

7. The document was written entirely in cursive. (这份文件完全用连笔字体书写。)

8. He struggled to read her messy cursive handwriting. (他费劲地读她那潦草的草书体字。)

9. Teachers encourage students to develop their own cursive style. (老师鼓励学生发展自己的草书体风格。)

10. The wedding invitations were written in elegant cursive. (婚礼邀请函用优雅的草书体书写。)

11. Before typewriters, all correspondence was in cursive. (在打字机出现之前,所有的信件都是用草书体写的。)

12. She signed her name in bold, swirling cursive letters. (她用粗体、盘旋的连笔字体签署了她的名字。)

13. The tattoo artist sketched the design in cursive before inking it. (纹身艺术家用草书体草拟了设计后再进行刺青。)

14. My grandmother's recipes are written in a neat, old-fashioned cursive. (我祖母的食谱用整洁的、老式的草书体书写。)

15. Doctors often write prescriptions in cursive handwriting. (医生常常用草书体手写处方。)


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