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时间: 2024-09-20 20:41:24


“Excurse” 这个词主要是指一种短暂的偏离正题的行为,通常在学术或文学写作中使用。以下是15个例句及其中文解释:

1. He made a brief excurse into medieval history before returning to his main topic.

- 他在回到主要话题之前,简要地偏离了中世纪历史。

2. The professor's excurse into personal anecdotes was interesting but off-topic.

- 教授对个人轶事的偏离很有趣,但偏离了主题。

3. In his lecture, he made an excurse to explain the historical context of the Renaissance.

- 在他的讲座中,他偏离话题以解释文艺复兴的历史背景。

4. Her excurse on the origins of the English language was both informative and engaging.

- 她对英语起源的短暂偏离既有趣又引人入胜。

5. The article includes a short excurse into the impact of technology on society.

- 这篇文章中包含了一个关于技术对社会影响的简短偏离。

6. During the meeting, he took a brief excurse to discuss recent developments in the field.

- 在会议中,他稍微偏离了主题来讨论该领域的最新发展。

7. The novel's excurse into the protagonist’s childhood adds depth to the story.

- 小说中对主角童年时期的偏离增加了故事的深度。

8. She used an excurse to elaborate on the cultural significance of the festival.

- 她通过短暂的偏离详细阐述了节日的文化意义。

9. His excurse into the ethical implications of artificial intelligence was thought-provoking.

- 他对人工智能伦理影响的偏离引发了深思。

10. The author's excurse into ancient philosophy provides a richer understanding of the text.

- 作者对古代哲学的短暂偏离提供了对文本更深刻的理解。

11. The speech contained a small excurse about the challenges of modern education.

- 演讲中包含了一个关于现代教育挑战的小偏离。

12. Her excurse into the technical details of the experiment was quite detailed.

- 她对实验技术细节的偏离非常详细。

13. The historian's excurse on the causes of the war was well-received by the audience.

- 历史学家对战争原因的短暂偏离受到了观众的好评。

14. An excurse into the local traditions helped set the scene for the novel.

- 对地方传统的偏离帮助设定了小说的背景。

15. The professor’s excurse into the philosophical aspects of science was insightful.

- 教授对科学哲学方面的偏离富有洞察力。


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