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时间: 2024-09-20 13:49:49



1. She found herself in a predicament when she realized she had left her passport at home. (当她意识到护照忘带在家里时,她陷入了困境。)

2. The company faced a predicament when their main supplier suddenly went bankrupt. (当主要供应商突然破产时,公司面临了困境。)

3. He was in a predicament: tell the truth and risk losing his job, or lie and compromise his integrity. (他陷入了两难境地:说实话可能会失去工作,但说谎会损害他的诚信。)

4. Finding herself in a predicament, she sought advice from her friends. (她陷入困境,于是向朋友寻求建议。)

5. The predicament of having to choose between her career and her family weighed heavily on her mind. (在职业与家庭之间做选择的困境让她心情沉重。)

6. The characters in the novel often find themselves in moral predicaments. (小说中的人物经常陷入道德困境。)

7. We're in quite a predicament with the car stuck in the mud and no cell service to call for help. (车被卡在泥里,又没有手机信号求救,我们真是陷入了困境。)

8. His predicament worsened when he lost his wallet in a foreign country. (他在异国失去钱包后,情况变得更加困难。)

9. The team faced a predicament when their star player got injured right before the championship game. (球队在冠军赛前,明星球员受伤,陷入了困境。)

10. The government's budget cuts have left many social programs in a predicament. (政府的预算削减使得许多社会项目陷入困境。)

11. He always manages to solve his own predicaments without asking for help. (他总是设法解决自己的困境,从不求助他人。)

12. Her predicament of being torn between two equally appealing job offers was stressful. (在两个同样吸引人的工作机会之间摇摆不定,让她感到很有压力。)

13. The characters in the play face various predicaments that test their resolve. (戏剧中的角色面临各种考验他们意志的困境。)

14. The predicament of homelessness is a pressing issue in many cities around the world. (无家可归的困境在世界许多城市都是一个紧迫的问题。)

15. The ship was in a predicament with its engine malfunctioning far from shore. (船只在离岸远处引擎故障的情况下陷入困境。)


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