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时间: 2024-09-20 11:29:00



1. She indited a heartfelt letter to her long-lost friend. (她写了一封真挚的信给她失散已久的朋友。)

2. The poet indited verses of love and loss. (诗人写下了关于爱与失落的诗句。)

3. He indited a legal document outlining the terms of the agreement. (他撰写了一份法律文件,详细列出了协议条款。)

4. The scribe indited the chronicles of the kingdom. (抄写员记录了王国的编年史。)

5. She indited her memoirs after retiring from public life. (她在退出公众生活后写下了她的回忆录。)

6. The historian indited an analysis of ancient civilizations. (历史学家写下了对古代文明的分析。)

7. He indited a stirring speech that moved the audience to tears. (他写了一篇激动人心的演讲,让观众感动落泪。)

8. The playwright indited a comedy that became an instant hit. (剧作家写了一部立即大受欢迎的喜剧。)

9. She indited an article criticizing the government's policies. (她撰写了一篇批评政府政策的文章。)

10. The novelist indited a series of novels set in the Victorian era. (小说家写了一系列设定在维多利亚时代的小说。)

11. He indited a passionate plea for environmental conservation. (他写了一封充满激情的呼吁,倡导环境保护。)

12. The poet indited odes to the beauty of nature. (诗人写下了颂扬自然之美的颂歌。)

13. She indited a prayer for peace during troubled times. (她在动荡时期写下了一篇祈祷和平的祷文。)

14. The scholar indited scholarly articles on linguistics. (学者写了一些关于语言学的学术文章。)

15. He indited a letter of resignation after many years of service. (在多年的服务之后,他写了一封辞职信。)


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