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时间: 2024-09-20 09:07:40



1. The criminal received condign punishment for his heinous crimes. (罪犯因其严重罪行而受到应有的惩罚。)

2. She felt that her hard work had finally received condign recognition. (她觉得她的辛勤工作终于得到了应有的认可。)

3. The corrupt official's downfall was a condign outcome of his years of dishonesty. (那个腐败官员的垮台是多年来不诚实行为的应有结果。)

4. After years of dedication, she earned the condign respect of her peers. (经过多年的奉献,她赢得了同行们应有的尊重。)

5. The community demanded condign justice for the victims of the crime. (社区要求对罪行受害者进行应得的正义。)

6. The athlete's impressive performance was met with condign praise from the critics. (运动员令人印象深刻的表现受到了评论家们应有的赞扬。)

7. His years of philanthropy earned him a reputation for condign generosity. (他多年来的慈善行为使他赢得了应有的慷慨声誉。)

8. The court delivered a verdict that was considered condign by the public. (法庭做出了公众认为应得的裁决。)

9. The team's hard work culminated in a condign victory. (团队的辛勤付出最终换来了应得的胜利。)

10. Despite initial setbacks, their perseverance eventually led to condign success. (尽管起初遭遇挫折,但他们的坚持最终带来了应得的成功。)

11. The company's dedication to quality resulted in condign recognition within the industry. (公司对质量的专注使其在行业内赢得了应有的认可。)

12. The teacher's patience with her students earned her condign admiration. (老师对学生的耐心赢得了她应有的钦佩。)

13. His integrity and honesty were rewarded with condign promotion. (他的正直和诚实换来了应得的晋升。)

14. The town celebrated the firefighter's retirement with condign gratitude. (市镇以应有的感激庆祝消防员的退休。)

15. The author's latest book received condign praise for its insightful commentary. (作者最新的书因其富有洞察力的评论而受到了应有的赞扬。)


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