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时间: 2024-09-19 17:27:34


1. He was known for his doctrinaire approach to economic policy, refusing to consider alternative viewpoints. (他因其教条主义的经济政策而闻名,拒绝考虑其他观点。)

2. Her doctrinaire adherence to traditional teaching methods hindered innovation in the classroom. (她对传统教学方法的教条式坚持阻碍了课堂上的创新。)

3. The party split over doctrinaire disagreements about the interpretation of the constitution. (该党因对宪法解释的教条主义分歧而分裂。)

4. He criticized the government's doctrinaire approach to healthcare reform, advocating for a more flexible strategy. (他批评政府在医疗改革中的教条主义方法,主张更加灵活的策略。)

5. The professor's doctrinaire lectures left little room for student discussion or debate. (教授的教条主义讲座几乎没有给学生讨论或辩论的空间。)

6. Her doctrinaire views on environmental protection clashed with the pragmatic policies of the local government. (她对环境保护的教条观点与地方政府的务实政策发生冲突。)

7. The CEO's doctrinaire management style stifled creativity and innovation within the company. (CEO 的教条式管理风格扼杀了公司内部的创造力和创新。)

8. The candidate's doctrinaire stance on immigration policy alienated many potential voters. (候选人在移民政策上的教条立场疏远了许多潜在选民。)

9. Despite criticism, he maintained a doctrinaire belief in the superiority of his own ideas. (尽管遭到批评,他仍然坚持对自己观点的教条信念。)

10. The artist's doctrinaire approach to art limited his ability to explore new techniques and styles. (这位艺术家对艺术的教条态度限制了他探索新技术和风格的能力。)

11. Their doctrinaire adherence to outdated rules hindered progress in the organization. (他们对过时规则的教条遵守阻碍了组织的进展。)

12. The professor's doctrinaire teaching method discouraged students from thinking critically. (教授的教条教学方法阻碍了学生批判性思维的发展。)

13. The author's doctrinaire defense of his theory ignored mounting evidence to the contrary. (作者对自己理论的教条防御忽略了越来越多的相反证据。)

14. The government's doctrinaire policies failed to address the real needs of the population. (政府的教条政策未能解决人民的真正需求。)

15. She was criticized for her doctrinaire approach to management, which did not adapt to changing market conditions. (她因管理中的教条方法而受到批评,未能适应不断变化的市场条件。)


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