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时间: 2024-09-18 11:41:25


Certainly! "Perdure" 是一个不太常见的词汇,意思是持续存在或持续长久。这里有一些例句及其中文解释:

1. The ancient traditions of the tribe perdure even in modern times.

- 即使在现代,部落的古老传统仍然持续存在。

2. His legacy will perdure through generations.

- 他的遗产将在世代之间长久传承。

3. Despite the challenges, their love for each other perdured.

- 尽管面临种种挑战,他们之间的爱情依然持久。

4. The artist's influence has perdured in the art world for decades.

- 这位艺术家的影响力在艺术界已经持续了几十年。

5. The principles of justice must perdure despite changing political climates.

- 尽管政治气候不断变化,正义的原则必须持久存在。

6. His teachings have perdured as guiding principles for many.

- 他的教导作为许多人的指导原则已经长久存在。

7. The effects of the pandemic will likely perdure for years to come.

- 疫情的影响可能将持续数年之久。

8. Their commitment to environmental sustainability must perdure beyond mere declarations.

- 他们对环境可持续性的承诺必须超越简单的宣言而持久存在。

9. The memories of childhood friends can perdure into adulthood.

- 对童年朋友的记忆可以延续到成年时期。

10. The company's values have perdured since its founding.

- 自公司成立以来,其价值观一直延续至今。

11. The belief in freedom and democracy perdured despite the challenges.

- 尽管面临种种挑战,对自由和民主的信仰依然长存。

12. The influence of her novel perdured through generations of readers.

- 她的小说影响力穿越了一代又一代的读者。

13. The resilience of the community has allowed its traditions to perdure.

- 社区的韧性使得其传统得以长久存在。

14. The artist's unique style has perdured, inspiring many contemporary painters.

- 这位艺术家独特的风格一直持续着,激励着许多当代画家。

15. Despite technological advancements, the allure of handwritten letters perdures.

- 尽管技术进步,手写信件的吸引力依然存在。


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