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时间: 2024-09-21 02:51:55


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using the word "finality" along with their Chinese explanations:

1. The judge's decision brought a sense of finality to the long legal battle. (法官的裁决给漫长的法律战带来了终结感。)

2. After signing the divorce papers, they both felt the finality of their decision. (在签署离婚文件后,他们俩都感受到了决定的最终性。)

3. The closing of the factory signaled the finality of an era in the town's history. (工厂的关闭标志着该镇历史上一个时代的终结。)

4. His resignation letter was written with a tone of finality, leaving no room for negotiation. (他的辞职信写得很决绝,没有任何谈判的余地。)

5. The scientist's findings provided a sense of finality to the debate on climate change. (科学家的发现为气候变化辩论画上了句号。)

6. The announcement of her retirement was met with a sense of finality by her colleagues. (她宣布退休的消息让同事们感到了事情已经定局。)

7. The signing of the peace treaty marked the finality of the war that had ravaged the region for years. (和平条约的签署标志着这场已经肆虐该地区多年的战争的结束。)

8. His death brought a feeling of finality to the unresolved issues within the family. (他的去世为家庭中未解决的问题带来了终结的感觉。)

9. The CEO's decision to shut down the project had a sense of finality about it. (CEO 决定关闭这个项目显得毫无回旋的余地。)

10. The last page of the novel gave the story a satisfying finality. (小说的最后一页给了这个故事一个令人满意的结局。)

11. The court's ruling provided the case with an air of finality. (法院的裁决给案件带来了一种决断的氛围。)

12. The graduation ceremony marked the finality of their time together as classmates. (毕业典礼标志着他们作为同学在一起的时光的结束。)

13. The conclusion of the negotiations brought a sense of finality to the business deal. (谈判的结束给这笔商业交易带来了一种结束的感觉。)

14. The artist's signature on the painting gave it a sense of finality. (艺术家在画作上的签名使其显得有了结束感。)

15. The finality of her decision to move abroad was evident in the way she packed up her belongings. (她决定出国的决断性显而易见,她整理行李的方式就表现出来了。)


上一个 【英语】finalist的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】infinitude的例句




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