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时间: 2024-09-21 01:10:31



1. The infinitude of the universe is both awe-inspiring and humbling. (宇宙的无限广袤既令人敬畏又使人感到渺小。)

2. She gazed at the stars, pondering the infinitude of space. (她凝视着星空,思考着无限的空间。)

3. The philosopher contemplated the infinitude of human knowledge. (哲学家思考人类知识的无限性。)

4. The artist sought to capture the infinitude of emotions in her paintings. (艺术家试图在她的画作中表现情感的无限深度。)

5. They were overwhelmed by the infinitude of choices available. (他们被无限的选择所淹没。)

6. The mathematician marveled at the infinitude of prime numbers. (数学家对质数的无限性感到惊叹。)

7. He meditated on the infinitude of time and its impact on human existence. (他沉思时间的无限性及其对人类存在的影响。)

8. The novel explores the infinitude of human imagination. (这部小说探索了人类想象力的无限性。)

9. She was struck by the infinitude of possibilities that lay before her. (她被摆在她面前的无限可能性所震撼。)

10. In their love, they discovered the infinitude of passion. (在他们的爱情中,他们发现了激情的无限深度。)

11. The scientist studied the infinitude of the microscopic world. (科学家研究微观世界的无限性。)

12. He contemplated the infinitude of the ocean, stretching out before him. (他沉思着眼前无限延伸的海洋。)

13. The poet's verses captured the infinitude of the human spirit. (诗人的诗句捕捉了人类精神的无限性。)

14. They were in awe of the infinitude of the desert, stretching endlessly. (他们对无尽的沙漠的无限广袤感到敬畏。)

15. The lecturer discussed the infinitude of perspectives in understanding historical events. (讲师讨论了理解历史事件中观点的无限性。)


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