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时间: 2024-09-20 23:01:41



1. The mosquito's bite was so infinitesimal that she hardly felt it. (蚊子的叮咬非常微小,她几乎感觉不到。)

2. The chances of winning the lottery are infinitesimal. (赢得彩票的机会是微乎其微的。)

3. He made an infinitesimal error in his calculations. (他在计算中犯了一个微小的错误。)

4. The change in temperature was infinitesimal, barely noticeable. (温度的变化微乎其微,几乎察觉不到。)

5. In the grand scheme of the universe, our planet is an infinitesimal speck. (从宇宙的宏大角度来看,我们的星球只是一个微小的点。)

6. The scientist measured an infinitesimal increase in the reaction rate. (科学家测量到反应速率的微小增加。)

7. Her progress in learning the language was infinitesimal at first, but it gradually improved. (她学习语言的进步起初微乎其微,但逐渐有所改善。)

8. The cost savings from the new process were infinitesimal compared to the overall budget. (与总预算相比,新流程的成本节约微乎其微。)

9. The bacterium is so small that it can only be seen under an infinitesimal microscope. (这种细菌非常小,只能在一种微小的显微镜下看到。)

10. The difference in taste between the two wines was infinitesimal. (这两种酒的味道差异微乎其微。)

11. After the storm, the damage to the house was infinitesimal, mostly just some loose shingles. (风暴过后,房屋的损坏微乎其微,主要是一些松动的屋顶瓦片。)

12. The speaker's voice faded to an infinitesimal whisper as the audience strained to hear. (听众竭力倾听时,讲话者的声音渐渐变成微弱的耳语。)

13. He made an infinitesimal contribution to the team's success. (他对团队的成功贡献微乎其微。)

14. The financial impact of the error was infinitesimal, barely affecting the company's bottom line. (错误对财务的影响微乎其微,几乎不影响公司的利润。)

15. The artist's brush strokes captured every infinitesimal detail of the landscape. (艺术家的画笔勾勒出景观的每一个微小细节。)


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